
The Madness and Ease of Entering the Electric Amoeba

On January 15, 2016, powered by green tea, Quest bars, guts, balls and all of my drastically colored hearts, I gave my solo show to an audience at Whitefire Theatre in Sherman Oaks.

My father died June 30, almost six months prior, and January 15th would have been his 79th birthday. I wasn’t sure I could get back on stage, given the context and my especially long layoff. I took this as a sign my father wanted me to do it.  I’m glad I did.

Show in a ‘shell

On the path to becoming a Love Jedi (a.k.a Sexy Yoda) in the most joyful, entertaining, funktastic way possible, Lee Barton writes and performs this 45 LP B-side ‘memorialla novella’ to let his father know what he was really up to all of these years instead of getting a PhD in statistics.  Starting at birth, through his five Dark Nights of the Soul, including Invisible Adoptee Soooooul Wound and winding through tantra class, psychics, between life hypnosis, epiphanal food pyramids, meetup groups and late night mystic grapplings, Lee arrives back at his father’s funeral with a sense of hope.  I love you Dad.


Below is the PinstaTwittergram condensed version of the show. There’s also this absurdist cut.  The entire show, which runs about ninety minutes, can be found inside my Youtube playlist, split into thirteen parts.  I’m a dense cat; you may have to re-watch. It’s totally legal to do so.

Next step

I wantloveneed to do it again with more shows, more audience, more sculpture beyond a hastily made Everlasting Gobstopper of Love and more music, in English this time.  Below is a brief description followed by the first clip of the show.

Interested in backing an Old School, New Age nonlinear, language driven performer who feels this show can go higher, farther, deeper still?  Email me at Peace, love and apples.


